Case Studies

Our Results

Juvenile client was charged with harassment and Interference with Staff/Faculty. All counts dismissed and sealed by demonstrating that client’s actions were protected speech under the 1st Amendment.

Jury found our client Not Guilty of theft. Charges were brought from the National Guard (GRAP) program investigation that was part of the “largest criminal investigation in the history of the Army’s Criminal Investigation Command”. Our client’s victory was featured on CBS’s 60 Minutes.

The Client was acquitted of all charges on a second DUI offense after he was in a car accident. At trial, defense counsel was able to show that the client drank after he drove, and alcohol was not a factor in the accident.

3rd Degree Assault, Harassment, and child abuse charges dismissed before trial. The client was wrongfully accused of assaulting his long-time girlfriend with children present. The case was subsequently sealed.

The client was charged with two counts of First-Degree Assault and telephone obstruction. At trial, jury found Defendant Not Guilty on all counts. The case was subsequently sealed.

Case was dismissed at pre-trial readiness as we were able to show that our client acted in self-defense in a case where our client used a knife to defend himself.