What To Do After A Minor Car Accident: A Step-by-Step Guide

What To Do After A Minor Car Accident

The unfortunate truth is that car incidents occur daily, often beyond one’s control. Despite being a safe driver, you may get involved in an accident through no fault of your own. Even what may be considered a “minor” accident can have a major impact on your life.

After a car accident in Colorado, getting in touch with an experienced lawyer will facilitate your case at every stage. Knowing the right actions to take becomes imperative in seeking compensation for your damages and losses.

In this guide, we detail what to do after a minor car crash (often called a “fender bender”) in Colorado. Although, our injury attorney offices are located in Colorado Springs, we accept cases throughout the Centennial State.

Follow these tips below and get prepared for an unforeseen emergency:

What Should I Do After A Minor Car Accident?

After a fender bender, you may wonder what should you do to be safe, legal, and to protect your rights. What To Do After A Minor Car Accident? How will I go about fixing my car? Who will cover my medical expenses? 

We can say confidently that seeking an expert car accident lawyer in Colorado Springs can aid in addressing these concerns. However, before reaching out to an attorney, there are crucial actions to take immediately after a car accident. 

These measures are essential for your lawyer to construct a compelling case aimed at securing the highest possible compensation. 

Below, we put forward what to do after a minor car accident. These are tried and tested strategies to reconstruct your life after a vehicle collision: 

1. Check For Injuries

After a low speed collision or other minor car wreck, you should first check for injuries. Immediately assess yourself and any passengers in your vehicle for any signs of physical harm. Pay close attention to any pain, discomfort, or visible injuries. If you or others receive an injury in a car wreck, prioritize seeking medical assistance by calling emergency services.

After ensuring everyone’s immediate safety, take a moment to assess the occupants of the other vehicles. Approach them calmly and inquire about their well-being. Prompt medical attention can make a significant difference in minimizing the impact of injuries.

Even if injuries seem minor initially, we want you to know that some symptoms may not manifest immediately. We suggest seeking medical attention even for seemingly minor discomfort. For some injuries, may become more apparent over time. Your health and the health of others involved should always be the top priority.

2. Take Photos And/Or Videos Of The Accident Promptly

Proper documentation is key to resolving potential disputes in insurance claims. After assessing everyone’s safety, pull out your smartphone or camera and capture images of the accident scene. 

Photograph the damage to the vehicle involved from various angles. Don’t forget to take pictures of the surrounding area, including traffic signals, road signs, and any relevant road conditions. Your attorney needs this evidence to support your case. 

Our top suggestion is to record a video walkthrough of the scene. It provides a proper context. You can narrate as you walk around, pointing out the positions of the vehicles and any visible damages. This footage can serve as valuable evidence and help establish the sequence of events leading up to the accident. Everyone has a phone that can be used quickly to document the scene.

Additionally, document the details of the other party involved, by taking pictures of their license plate, driver’s license, and insurance details. This information will be crucial when filing a claim with your insurance company.

When you proactively collect visual evidence, you create a solid foundation for your insurance claim. The more detailed and comprehensive your documentation, the easier it becomes to demonstrate your version of events. Remember, the goal is to provide clear and convincing evidence to support your case as disputes arise.

3. Don’t Leave the Scene

It’s one of your fundamental responsibilities after a minor car accident to stay at the scene until law enforcement has cleared you to leave. Leaving the scene of a minor accident can have severe legal consequences that can result in criminal charges being filed. Failure to report an accident, or leaving the scene of an accident are offenses that can result in loss of license, fines and potentially even jail. If someone has suffered injuries, the charges can be even more serious.

Firstly, check for injuries, both in your vehicle and the other(s) involved. If someone is injured, dial 911 quickly and provide them with accurate information about the location and the condition. Your priority should be the well-being of everyone at the scene.

After ensuring everyone’s safety, you’ll want to gather information from the other driver. This includes names, addresses, phone numbers, insurance information, and vehicle details. Avoid discussing fault or assigning blame at the scene.

If there are witnesses to the accident, try to obtain their contact information as well. Their statements may be valuable during the claims process. Finally, report the accident to the local police, even if it’s minor. Some jurisdictions require a police report for any collision, and having an official record is beneficial for insurance claims. 

Following these steps will help in the subsequent resolution of insurance issues, and safeguards you legally.

4. Call Authorities to File an Accident Report and Obtain Medical Assistance

Once you have ensured the safety of everyone involved, the next step in a Colorado fender bender is to contact the authorities. Calling 911 will alert police and, if necessary, emergency medical personnel.
Even in a minor car accident where damage seems small, a police report can often be very useful as evidence in resolving your matter.

Call 911 to report the accident and request assistance from law enforcement. Provide them with accurate information about the location, the number of vehicles involved, and any injuries. Remain calm and concise in your communication.

Law enforcement officers will arrive at the scene to assess the situation, gather information, and create an official report. This report is a crucial document for insurance claims and legal proceedings. 

Stay calm and cooperate with law enforcement. Provide them with your driving license, vehicle registration, and insurance information.

While waiting for the authorities, you can exchange contact and insurance information with the other party in the accident. Take note of their name, phone number, address, and insurance details. Document the accident scene by taking vehicle photos, the area, and any signals. Hidden traffic symbols, poor road maintenance, or vehicle defects can all be factors in your accident.

In some locations, law enforcement may not respond to minor accidents without injuries. In such cases, you may need to visit the nearest police station to file a report in person. In all situations, it is best to call and ask how the police would like you to proceed. This can be done through an emergency line (911) or through a non-emergency number if there are no injuries.

Remember, filing an accident report is an important step in the resolution of your accident. It helps to establish a clear record of the incident, and will document other important factors such as time, weather and road conditions.

5. Don’t Admit Fault For The Accident

It’s natural to feel disoriented or even apologetic in the aftermath of an accident. Nevertheless, it’s vital to remember that determining fault is a complex process. To protect your interests, avoid making statements that refer to an admission of guilt. These aspects have implications for insurance claims and legal proceedings.

Allow the authorities and insurance companies to thoroughly investigate the circumstances. It helps ensure a fair and accurate assessment of liability. Remember that fault isn’t always clear-cut, and admitting fault prematurely, may impact your ability to seek compensation or damages.

If the other party attempts to assign blame to you, remain calm and composed. It is one of the trickiest ways of handling a minor car accident. Politely refrain from arguing over the fault. Instead, focus on exchanging necessary information such as contact details and insurance information. 

Leave the determination of fault to the professionals who will assess the evidence and statements from both parties involved.

6. Get Contact And Insurance Information

Immediately following a car accident, people often panic and their nerves and anxiety get the better of them. It is important to remain calm and collected in the moments following a car accident. Remember to secure contact and insurance information from all parties involved. It’s a critical step in ensuring a smooth claims process and potential legal proceedings.
When you gather the proper information, it will expedite communication between parties and facilitates a more efficient resolution.

Begin by exchanging names, phone numbers, and addresses with the other drivers. Additionally, collect insurance information, including policy numbers and the insurance company’s name. Colorado is an “at-fault” state, which means the responsible party’s insurance typically covers damages. 

Accurate information ensures that you can reach out to all the relevant parties, minimizing delays in processing claims.

If there are any witnesses to the accident, consider obtaining their contact information as well. Witnesses can provide valuable statements that may support your version of events. Their testimonies can serve as crucial evidence in case of disputes over fault or liability.

To document this information effectively, consider using your smartphone. We recommend taking pictures of the other driver’s insurance card and driver’s license. This visual documentation can serve as a backup in case you misplace any written information.

By proactively gathering contact and insurance details, you set the stage for a smoother resolution process with the insurance companies. This approach can streamline communication with insurance adjustors and legal professionals. Consequently, it becomes easier to navigate the aftermath of a minor car accident in Colorado Springs.

7. Wait Until You Get Approval to Leave from Law Enforcement

In Colorado Springs, after a small car accident, you must remain at the scene until you are officially cleared to leave. This step is a legal requirement and essential for ensuring the well-being of all parties involved.

Additionally, if you leave the scene, you may be cited for a traffic violation such as leaving the scene of an accident or failure to report an accident. To emphasize this point, if another party is seriously injured, you could face FELONY criminal charges. In Colorado, a hit and run with serious bodily injury is a Class 4 Felony that carries up to six years in prison. To be safe you need to stop, discuss the situation with the other driver, and have law enforcement and emergency professionals assess the situation.
As a responsible and law-abiding driver, staying at the accident scene demonstrates your commitment to addressing the situation. This initial action helps establish transparency and cooperation between you, the other party, and any law enforcement officers.

One important reason to stay at the scene is to provide accurate information to the investigating officers. You can share your perspective on what transpired, contributing to the compilation of an accurate and comprehensive accident report. This document is invaluable when dealing with insurance claims and potential legal proceedings. If you leave, law enforcement may only receive one side of the story, and that is unlikely to be favorable to your interests.

Moreover, when you stay on the scene of the accident, you can exchange necessary information with the other party involved in the accident. This information typically includes names, contact details, and insurance information. It is a proactive step toward fulfilling your legal obligations and ensuring a smooth claim process in the aftermath of the accident.

Staying at the scene enables you to gather essential evidence. We recommend you take photographs of the vehicles involved, the surrounding environment, and any relevant road signs. You will get a clear depiction of the accident for insurance purposes and potential legal actions.

If you or the other party are injured, stay at the scene to receive or offer assistance and support. Promptly call emergency services if required.

8. Notify your Car Insurance Provider

Do not forget to promptly notify your auto insurer after a minor car crash in Colorado Springs. You will need to receive the necessary support and coverage for any damages or injuries sustained during the accident. This action is vital for initiating the claims process. 

As a responsible driver, notifying your auto insurer as soon as possible demonstrates your commitment to following proper procedures. This is one of the best ways to seek assistance in the aftermath of the incident. Most insurance policies have specific timeframes within which you are required to report accidents. Hence, we advise you to promptly communicate with your auto insurance provider to avoid potential complications.

When notifying your auto insurer, be prepared to provide detailed and accurate information about the accident. It includes the date, time, and location of the incident, as well as a description of how it occurred. When you offer a clear and concise account, it will help you expedite the claims process.

We recommend you provide information about the other party, such as their name, contact details, and insurance information. When notifying your insurer, these information pieces are crucial. They can communicate with the other party’s insurance company and give you a smoother resolution of the claims process.

Furthermore, be prepared to share any relevant documentation. We advise you to share the accident reports of the enforcement, photographs of the scene, and any witness statements. This additional evidence can strengthen your case and support, the assessment of liability and damages by your insurance provider.

Notifying your auto insurer promptly is not just about seeking coverage for damages. It is also about accessing any available support services. Some insurance policies offer benefits such as towing assistance, rental car coverage, or access to preferred repair shops. 

As soon as you inform the insurance company, take advantage of these benefits. That’s what you pay your premiums for!

9. Consult An Experienced Car Accident Lawyer

Consult with an experienced car accident lawyer before filing a claim. Before speaking with the insurance adjuster of the at-fault driver, we suggest you contact a qualified legal professional. It’s a priority to safeguard your rights and navigate the complexities of the legal process. 

Even seemingly minor accidents can have unforeseen consequences. Having a legal professional by your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. 

When you retain a Colorado car accident lawyer, you will have a knowledgeable advocate who understands the local laws. An experienced minor car accident legal expert is well aware of the regulations governing traffic accidents in Colorado Springs, Monument, Manitou Springs, Fountain and throughout Colorado. 

Your attorney will guide you through the process of dealing with insurance companies. They will fight to safeguard your rights and ensure you receive fair compensation for any damages.

Your attorney will assist in gathering important evidence. The team will analyze the medical records, witness statements, and accident reports to build a strong case on your behalf. They will also negotiate with insurance companies to secure the best possible settlement for your specific situation. 

If you fail to reach a fair agreement, your lawyer will then file a lawsuit on your behalf. Most cases are resolved short of filing a civil suit, but occasionally they are necessary to obtain a fair result. If an insurance company refuses to accept liability or makes low ball offers, filing a lawsuit is often the best alternative.

Remember, the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming. You need an experienced legal professional to navigate the legal landscape effectively to obtain maximum compensation. As a result, having a skilled car accident lawyer by your side provides support and expertise. We advise you to seek legal help early in the process to increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome. 

We Are There For You!

Minor car accidents can occur at any time due to driver carelessness or negligence. This potentially puts your financial security at risk and creates uncertainty about the future.

Finding balance and normalcy in your life after such an incident can be challenging. Numerous questions arise about medical treatments, lost wages, and dealing with insurance companies.

From the moment of injury, our Colorado Springs car accident attorneys work on your behalf. We will help you to obtain a favorable settlement for your injuries and damages

The selection of the right attorney during this stage is crucial. At McDowell Law Firm, our experienced lawyers understand the urgency for injured car accident victims to secure compensation promptly.
Our commitment is evident as we handle claims for our clients, always striving for maximum compensation. We adopt an aggressive approach throughout the legal process to ensure favorable outcomes.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Colorado, consult with our car accident attorneys today. We always offer free, no obligation consultations to help you navigate the legal process.

Frequently Asked Questions –

1. Do You Have To Call The Police After A Minor Car Accident?

It is always a good idea to notify law enforcement, even if the accident is minor. Inform the police or appropriate law enforcement promptly, even in a minor accident. The police will create an official report detailing the incident. It will help you make insurance claims without any unnecessary complications. 

Occasionally during severe weather Colorado law enforcement will go to cold reporting status. In these instances, it is still important to report the accident shortly after the accident. If injuries or alcohol are involved you should still notify law enforcement immediately.

Additionally, some insurance policies may require a police report for processing a claim. Even in seemingly minor accidents, emotions can run high. Hence, having an impartial third party like the police can help in documenting the facts accurately. 

2. Should I File A Claim For A Minor Accident?

We advise filing a claim for a minor accident. Even seemingly minor incidents can result in hidden damages or delayed injuries. When you file a claim, you ensure that the insurance company will address the potential issues promptly, preventing complications down the line. 

Insurance is there to cover unforeseen expenses, even in minor accidents. You must document the incident, exchange information with the other party, and notify your insurance company promptly. 

This safeguards your interests and facilitates a smoother claims process. Remember, the insurance purpose is to provide support when you need it.

3. What Should I Do After A Single-Car Accident?

After you have faced a single car accident, the first thing to do is stay calm. Then check for injuries and call emergency services if necessary. Next, move your vehicle to a safe location, if possible, to prevent further accidents. Exchange information with any involved parties, including witnesses, and document the scene with photos.

Notify law enforcement about the accident, even if it seems minor. Obtain a copy of the police report and gather details about the incident. Contact your insurance company promptly to report the accident, providing all relevant information. 

Seek medical attention for any injuries, regardless of severity. Keep records of medical treatment and repair estimates for your insurance claim. Finally, consult with an attorney if needed, especially if there are legal implications. 

4. What Should You Do After A Car Accident That’s Not Your Fault?

After a minor car accident that is not your fault, we suggest you take certain steps:

Firstly, prioritize safety by moving to a safe location and checking for injuries. Call the police to report the incident and exchange information with the other party involved. Document the scene by taking photos and gathering witness contact information if possible.

Notify your insurance company promptly, providing them with accurate details. Seek medical attention, as some injuries may not be immediately apparent. 

We suggest you consult with an experienced attorney to understand your rights and potential compensation. Remember, timely and thorough actions make a significant difference in the post-accident process.

5. Should I Call My Insurance Company After A Minor Accident?

It’s crucial to contact your insurance company even after a minor accident. Even seemingly minor incidents can lead to hidden damages or injuries that may emerge later. We advise you to report the accident promptly to comply with your policy requirements. Delaying notification might jeopardize your claim process. 

When you call your insurance company, provide detailed information about the incident. This includes the date, time, and location, along with the contact details of all parties involved. Your insurance provider can guide you through the next steps, help assess damages, and initiate the claims process.